Saturday, October 18, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Full Moon Empowerment Rite

Full Moon Empowerment Rite

Spell Date:  Monday, September 8, 2014
Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
This rite will enhance spellwork. You will need an athame and a chalice of water. Go outside when you see the moon, holding the athame in your dominant hand and the cup in your other hand; catch the moon’s reflection in the cup. Ask the Goddess to charge the water with power. Stir the water with the athame and sprinkle some water in a clockwise circle around you. Drink some of the water, then hold the athame and cup up high in salute. Closing your eyes, visualize three beams of moonlight shining down to fill your third eye, heart, and groin area with power. Say:

"Gracious Goddess of the night,
I call to you, my spirit takes flight.
I ask for power to achieve my aim,
And this I shall do in your name.
(Repeat the chosen goddess name three
Blessed be."

You may now proceed with your spell.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Candle Caring Spell

Candle Caring Spell

Spell Date:  Sunday, September 7, 2014
Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Marigold
Here is one process for sending healing energy at any distance. You’ll need a mirror, preferably round, small slips of paper, something that writes in the color green, and either a green pillar candle or a white glass novena candle (the tall candles that come in glass jars).
Write the name of the person you wish to send healing energy to on one of the small slips of paper with the green ink. If you have more than one, write each name on a separate piece of paper. Place the slips on the mirror, and set the candle on top of them.
Ground and center yourself, and light the candle. Next, individually, visualize each person you wish to help as being wrapped in healing light. Once you have the image strong in your mind, visualize the energy speeding on its way toward your intended target.
Let the candle burn for half an hour. When you extinguish the candle, mentally shut down the energy flow as well. Otherwise, you may compromise your own health.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

spell a day

Invoke Hermes for Travel

Spell Date:  Saturday, September 6, 2014
Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Sage
Beloved Hermes will help all those who come to him humbly, who come to him joyfully, who come to him with wit and cunning. This spell is dedicated to and inspired by my friend Luke CloudDancer.
If you are traveling a fair distance, call upon Hermes to ensure that your travel is safe, secure, swift, and successful.
Sing to Hermes, and arrange what offering you will give him once all your travels for now are complete and you return home safely.

You might like to use the following charm:

"Wings upon your gorgeous feet,
O Hermes and your sacred fleet,
The clouds who dance across the skies,
In your wisdom I abide.
Aid me, Hermes, be my guide,
As I travel far and wide.
Be to me a lover kind,
Faithful by my loving side."

Be aware that Hermes loves to take human lovers.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Goldenrod Spell

Spell A Day


A Goldenrod Spell

Spell Date:  Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Goldenrod is ruled by the Sun and is among the most healing of all herbs. Now goldenrod is blooming, spreading its cheerful yellow-gold flowers across meadows and along roadsides. To keep its protective energies close to you through winter, go to a place where goldenrod is blooming in the wild and cut a small bouquet. Bring it home and tie the stems together with a yellow ribbon, yarn, or raffia. Think of anything specific in your life that you’d like the goldenrod to help you with. It could be a health concern or just general well-being. Hang the bouquet upside down and away from direct sunlight to dry.
Let the goldenrod remind you of the warm, sunny days of late summer throughout the coming dark days of winter. In the spring, take the goldenrod to where you cut it and crumble it upon the earth as an offering.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Simple Money Spell

Spell A Day

Simple Money Spell

Spell Date:  Saturday, August 30, 2014
Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Rue
Light a green and/or gold candle. Breathe, ground, and center, and align. Cast the circle, if you so desire.
Chant the following incantation over and over to raise the power and then release it into the candle, so that as the candle burns down, the spell potentizes.

"By all the powers of three times three,
Money will come creatively.
It will pour through every crack,
To come to me and banish lack!
I conjure prosperity and make it mine,
And I do this by my power divine.
Come to me, money, and banish lack,
Prosperity pours through every crack!"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


so its been a pissy night for me,just feel like giving up a lot anymore, life is so deppressing any more, I love my gf, its just my life in general sucks, when i plan to be alone its okay, i entertain myself, but when im left alone i am lonley, does that make any scence? Oh blah no ones reading this anyways maybe ill add more to it later
5:19 am